Are there sharks in Marmaris Turkey ?

Are there sharks in Marmaris Turkey ?

Yes, there are sharks swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, although rarely seen because they prefer to swim in the open water. The Mediterranean Sea is an inland sea and surrounded by several countries. The Strait of Gibraltar is the only part where the Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean. Sharks swim through this gap between Spain and Africa and fail to return to the ocean. Many sharks stay because there is enough food to live off.

Are there shark attacks in Marmaris?

There is no need to worry about sharks while you are in Marmaris. You are more likely to get struck by lightning than being attacked by a shark. The sea covers 2,510,000 km2 so there’s a very small chance to see one near the coast. There have been very few shark attacks reported in Turkey, despite the millions of tourists visiting every year.

Are there sharks in Marmaris Turkey
Are there sharks in Marmaris Turkey
Are there sharks in Marmaris Turkey

Is it safe to swim in Marmaris Sea?

The chance of seeing sharks on the coast of Marmaris is extremely small, so just enjoy swimming, snorkelling, and diving in the beautiful blue sea. You can see a lot of fish, turtles, seals and dolphins and other sea creatures.

Which sharks live in the Mediterranean Sea?

Most of the tourists who visit the Mediterranean coast do not realise that they share the waters with 47 kinds of sharks. The most dangerous shark swimming in the clear blue waters is the Great White Shark. This famous movie shark can measure up to 6 meters and weigh over 3000 kilos. The number two dangerous shark is the Sand Tiger Shark. These sharks have sharp teeth and reddish spots on the back. They are half the size of the Great White Shark. The presence of the Bull Shark is suspected but not confirmed yet. There are other sharks in the sea like the Blacktip shark, Hammerhead shark, Sandbar shark, Spinner shark, Copper shark, Blue shark and more.

Only the first three sharks mentioned above have teeth designed for tearing. The other sharks’ teeth are less likely to cause serious injury. Sharks feed mostly on fish and don’t see us as dinner but they are curious if we are tasty. So they use their teeth to check if humans are eatable.

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